Connections are a strong theme which runs through the backbone of who and what Awa Designs is. The connection we have to creativity and the materials we work with, to the connections we have with all the people who are part of our journey.

Michelle as the designer has had a connection with creativity for as long as she can remember, always had a love for making things, always having to have something in her hands transforming it from one thing to another. Michelle continued this creativity on and went to art school, majoring in jewellery design and learning the silversmith trade. Her passion for jewellery and art has continued ever since. The name Awa Designs has a deep connection for us too. The English translation of the Māori word ‘Awa’ means ‘river’ or ‘rivers’ – a nod to my Michelles surname as well as incorporating Malcolme’s maori heritage. Awa Designs is Pakihi (Maori owned).

TUWHARETOA - Tena koutou katoa, Ko Ruahine toku maunga, Ko Rangitikei toku awa, Ko Te Arawa toku waka, Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa toku iwi, Ko Ngāti Waewae toku hapu, Ko Iwikau toku ingoa whanau.
Ko Te Tikanga toku marae, No Kakariki toku ahau, Kei Tauranga toku kainga inaianei, Ko Ngaruawahia high toku kura, Ko Flattery-Donohoe toku whanau ingoa, Ko Michelle toku hoa, Tokorua aku tamariki, Emma and Marcus.

Reference to water particularly a river, is integral to Awa Designs. The symbolic representation it has, linked to life’s journey and the fact the river is constantly moving and changes its character where the tide ceases to ebb and flow. As well as inspiration from the river, our creations are inspired from other aspects of nature too.

Everything we do, everything we create and everything we have, tells its own story and has a meaning behind it, in te ao Māori we call this ‘kei a ia ano tikanga’.

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